Meet the Puppies
Maya + Gus’s Puppies
Maya and Gus’s second litter of puppies were born on 3/25/22. Gus is a brown, mid-sized standard poodle, weighing 40-45 pounds. To read more about Maya, click here.
By the time they are six weeks old, the puppies will have their first set of shots, along with a veterinarian wellness exam. They are wormed at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. We begin to potty train them at 4 weeks with alfalfa tabs, teaching them to associate the smell of grass with potty time.
Meet our Past Puppies
Meet Teddy! We kept Teddy as a family pet and is on-site for you to meet. Born 9/13/21, He was the largest puppy from Maya and Gus’s first litter and has become a beloved member of the family and playmate to the puppies.